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Want to know how you can be cashing in on the ‘digital gold rush'?  Well, read the rest of this article and you will find out how the Digital Gold Rush in this new economy has many similarities to the Californian Gold Rush in the 1800s and how with the right knowledge you can benefit enormously.

If you’ve been following Jay Kubassek on social media you would have known that he was in Napa for the weekend attending the Bottlerock music/wine/food festival. Wow, he must have had a great time! The Digital Life is sweet!!

Jay had been checked in at the  Western Hotel downtown San Francisco. Believe it or not, this was the first time too he'd been to San Fran! He had wanted to visit there for as long as he could remember and now he was ready to take tours of some of the famous Gold Rush sites.

As you can tell from their video series on preparing, launching and growing your dream online business, co-founders of Launch You, Stuart Ross and Jay Kubassek, are kinda obsessed with the Digital Gold Rush and all of the similarities it has to the original Californian Gold Rush…

Cashing in on the Digital Gold Rush: Three Key Gold Rush Points

Did you know that the World Wide Web was invented on the 150th anniversary of the California Gold Rush?

Did you know that the vendors, merchants, and suppliers (selling picks, shovels, etc.) made more money than the actual gold prospectors?

Did you know that Levi Strauss was one such merchant? He traveled 18,000 miles by ship from NYC to open a merchant business that would import supplies and goods from the family business on the East coast!

Since 1989 a lot has happened and the Digital Economy has exploded with growth.

More recently in 2007, we all know what happened; the bottom fell out of the traditional economy. Those on the cutting-edge profited wildly while most were caught unaware. (Jay's and Stuart's business doubled between 2007 and 2009 for example.)

The Digital Economy was less than 20 years old at that point and as you can see in this infographic, it literally EXPLODED with growth. No different than any other time in history, every major recession/depression simultaneously caused a new revolution… (more on this later).

This is what’s called the Digital Gold Rush (See below)

BUT, the Gold Rush itself isn’t where the big money is made!

Read this section carefully:

This isn’t where the massive wealth creation opportunity lies for the members of our private digital education and marketing business system.

This is where they provide aspiring entrepreneurs with the education, tools and shortcuts to launch and grow their dream business.

The big money, the walk away income is going to come from those who are correctly positioned to take advantage of the Digital Marketing Arbitrage – helping people still stuck in the traditional sinking “Titanic” economy to transition and thrive in the new digital economy. (See below)

Cashing in on the Digital Gold Rush: Digital Marketing Arbitrage

Cashing In On The Digital Gold Rush

Economist Paul Zane Pilzer predicts ten million new millionaires will be created within the next 10 years. How is this possible you ask? Just like this…

The secret to YOU being able to create a Digital Life is not to start your own business, invent your own product, or be the next Mark Zuckerberg per se. You don’t want to compete with Amazon, Google, or Facebook, or the zillions of tech startups arriving in the online world every day. You don’t want to compete with companies that are funded through venture capital with millions of dollars. You don’t want to compete with Harvard grads with a 170 IQ.

Really, it is no different from the original Gold Rush, when everyone was crawling over the next person prospecting and digging for gold. There is stiff competition online, there is no question about that.

But, here’s the million-dollar secret: Stop digging! Start selling shovels!

Just as I mentioned above, more money was made by the middlemen- the merchants selling picks and shovels to the miners- than those digging, panning, and mining for gold.

Do you get what I am saying here?

You getting the lesson history has taught us already?

The big money is in servicing the Gold Rush, not competing in it!

More wealth was created servicing the Gold Rush than from the gold that was discovered. Don’t dig for gold; instead, sell picks and shovels. Don’t pan for gold; instead, sell pans or teach people how to pan- for example.

There will always be people creating solutions, products, and services to meet other peoples’ problems, wants, and needs.

More specifically, there are millions of people, and businesses still stuck in the traditional economy. They need our help!

This is where YOU can become in as an authorized Launch You Ambassador.

Throughout history, there will always be middlemen connecting buyers and sellers.

These people are called merchants.

A retail merchant (or retailer) sells commodities to consumers (and businesses). A Launch You Member is such a merchant. An Launch You Member connects people still struggling in the traditional economy with a solution to help them get their business successful in the Digital Economy.

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Cashing in on the Digital Gold Rush: Launch You

Merchants have been playing this role for centuries, and this is one facet in the world of commerce that hasn’t changed. There is, however, an important twist in today’s digital economy.

As a result of the Digital Revolution, every physical product that can be digitized will be digitized at some point. This is a foregone conclusion. What this means is that, as the physical world transitions to the digital world, there will be more and more opportunities for “digital merchants.”

In the digital economy, the connection between physical time and space has been severed. The connection between physical, tangible products and value has been erased.

Herein lies an incredible opportunity for Launch You Members.

Think of the Internet as a giant farmers’ market, where people can come to buy and sell digital products. Unrestricted by physical location, supply chains, production, and inventory there are billions of transactions a day. The transactions take place virtually and instantly.

This is where “digital merchants”, (also known as “affiliates”) come in. The affiliate simply connects the buyer with the seller and gets paid a profit instantly.

Unlike the merchants like Levi Strauss who traveled 18,000 miles from NYC to set up a supply business for the Gold Rush, there are no physical restrictions to trade and commerce within the digital economy.

Unlike the traditional economy where physical products are produced, shipped, and exchanged for local currency in physical locations and storefronts around the world, here there is no inventory per se.

Thanks to technology virtually anyone can create a digital product and sell it to anyone else connected to the Internet.

There are no physical or visible distribution channels (trucks, trains, planes, etc.) The customer chooses the product that he or she wishes to buy on the Internet, and the transaction takes place. The affiliate is invisible, and in most cases, the buyer never even knows about the affiliate.

The affiliate didn’t create or produce the product. He/She didn’t stock, ship, or service it either. In most cases, he/she didn’t even create the marketing materials or process the payment. All the affiliate did was connect the buyer with the seller and get paid a commission.

Digital publishing company Clickbank has paid out over $2.2 billion in commissions in the last 10 years.
Our students have earned in excess of $40 million in the last few years alone…

Imagine getting a tiny slice of that!?

All of this is now possible thanks to digital commerce (aka eCommerce).

Arguably, once you have learned digital marketing as a skill-set, you will be able to write your own check for life.


The reality is that most modern-day merchants (affiliate marketers), never make any significant money. The competition is fierce and commissions are minuscule.

Cashing in on the Digital Gold Rush: Launch You Digital Marketing Education Platform

As a member of Launch You, most of the learning curves and costly mistakes are avoided. Instead of learning everything on your own, the Launch You teaches you all of the skills, strategies, and techniques you require to launch your own online dream business and/or become a successful reseller of the Launch You product line- potentially earning thousands of dollars a month in commissions.

If you haven’t already done so, check out this brand new training video series showing you how to Build a Profitable Online Business Starting from Scratch

Finally, let me ask you this: “What will you do with YOUR digital life?”

Are you going to take action now and be one of the proactive ones who ALWAYS profit, regardless of what the economy does? Or are you going to wait and see if the Titanic will actually sink?

Make a decision you can live with… don't miss out on cashing in on the Digital Gold Rush.


If you are looking for a platform that provides the training, tools, community and guidance to create a thriving future Click Right Here! 


merv stevens bio pic

Merv Stevens is an experienced Online Creator and a member of the Digital Marketing Education & Transformational platform Launch You.

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